How to Survive a Holiday in Marrakech during the Summer

Marrakech in the summer is a feast for the senses, but the heat can be relentless, especially for those unaccustomed to soaring temperatures. Here's how to enjoy your stay while staying cool and comfortable!

Embrace the Rhythm of the City

  • Early Morning Exploration: Make the most of the cooler mornings by starting your day early. Explore the souks, palaces, and hidden corners of the medina when the streets are calm and temperatures are pleasant.

  • Siesta Time: Take a page from the locals and retreat indoors for a relaxing midday siesta when the sun is at its peak. Find a cool riad or an air-conditioned café to read, nap, or indulge in Moroccan mint tea.

Stay Cool and Hydrated

  • Hydration is Key: With temperatures reaching over 40°C, keep a bottle of water handy. Avoid overly cold drinks as they can cause stomach upsets; room temperature or slightly cool water is better.

  • Refreshing Snacks: Snack on juicy local fruits like watermelon, grapes, and oranges to stay hydrated and enjoy a natural sugar boost.

Dress Wisely

  • Light and Loose: Opt for light-colored, loose-fitting clothing made of breathable fabrics like cotton and linen to help your body cool naturally.

  • Cover Up: Despite the heat, it's best to cover your shoulders and knees to respect the local culture and protect your skin from sunburn.

Seek Refuge from the Sun

  • Cool Off in Gardens: Marrakech is home to beautiful gardens, like Jardin Majorelle, where you can find shaded pathways and serene water features.

  • Indoor Sanctuaries: Visit the city's museums, art galleries, or traditional hammams (bathhouses) to escape the midday sun.

Enjoy the Evenings

  • Djemaa el-Fna: In the evening, head to the vibrant Djemaa el-Fna square. The market truly comes alive with street performers, snake charmers, and food stalls offering delicious local cuisine.

  • Rooftop Dining: Enjoy a cool breeze while dining at one of the many rooftop restaurants overlooking the medina. Watch the sunset over the city while savoring tagine or fresh seafood.

Plan Excursions Thoughtfully

  • Day Trips to the Mountains: Escape the heat by planning a day trip to the Atlas Mountains. The cooler climate offers respite, and you can explore Berber villages and take part in local cooking classes.

By adapting to the local rhythm, taking sensible precautions, and seeking out shaded or air-conditioned havens, you'll find that Marrakech can be a delightful destination even in the height of summer!! We look forward to having you!


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